
Free Online Memory Games

Challenge yourself with our comprehensive suite of free online memory games.

  • Memory

A number of studies have been conducted to try to understand whether or not games can improve memory. Generally speaking, most research suggests that some types of games can indeed help with certain cognitive functions, including memory and concentration. Whether you are looking to play to relax, stay sharp, or for fun and enjoyment, our premium collection of memory games for adults is sure to deliver.

Our most popular type of free memory game is mahjong, a tile based game requiring strategy and calculation that originated centuries ago in China during the Qing dynasty. Similarly, hidden object games are picture-based memory games that challenge you to find random objects in different scenes (the most popular hidden object game is said to be Where's Waldo). Of course, you can't leave out Sudoku when talking about memory games — it's one of the world's most popular games requiring planning, thought, and concentration.

We hope you enjoy our collection of free memory games!