
Play Crescent Solitaire online

Smiling young man with copper hair and beard.
Middle-aged woman with black shoulder length hair.
Bald man with medium length graying beard.
Older woman with short grey hair and glasses.
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How to Play Crescent Solitaire

The goal is to move all the cards from the crescent outer piles to their respective foundation piles in the middle based on suit. The top 4 piles start at kings and must be stacked in descending order back to aces. The bottom 4 piles are the opposite, going from aces to kings. Cards of the same suit can also be moved between foundation piles in either ascending or descending order. The crescent piles can be reshuffled 3 times per game.

From kings to aces and aces to kings, try to contain the chaos of Crescent Solitaire!

About Crescent Solitaire

Crescent Solitaire is a free online game that's a new take on an old classic. Instead of the standard layout, cards are arranged in the shape of a crescent moon around the foundation piles. Cards are now stacked in both ascending and descending order, too. Test how your skills are holding up in Crescent Solitaire!

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