
Stan Newman's Easy Crossword

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Woman with curly grey hair and black glasses.
Smiling person with a shaved head.
Middle-aged woman with parted bangs.
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How to Play Easy Crossword by Stan Newman

Always look at the puzzle title before doing anything else. The title is there to hint at the theme of the game—the subject matter or the common element among the longest answers. When you have filled in the first long answer, look at the title; you should now be able to guess the theme. Once you have correctly identified the theme, the remaining theme answers should be much easier for you to puzzle out.


For beginners, the first answer you should write should always be one whose clue you are absolutely sure of. This may be the very first clue (1 Across), but crossword authors and editors don't automatically make the first clue the easiest one.

Of course, people's vocabulary and knowledge differ anyway. But remember that any of the Crossword puzzles will have quite a few clues you'll know the answers to immediately. So review the clue list carefully until you find one that you have no doubt is correct, and fill that one in first.

The clues to look at next are the ones that cross any of the answers that you've already filled in. It's much easier to think of the answer once you have one or more extra hints from the letters in those crossing words.


Your game will be smoother and easier if you can concentrate on one area at a time, with each new answer you write connected to answers you've already filled in. If you cannot fill in any answers in the area you're working in, look for another clue you're sure of elsewhere on the board and begin the process again.

  • If you've written in all the answers that you can and some blank squares still remain, here are three proven ways to get you to the finish line:

  • Take a short break and return to the game in a few minutes. Many people find that this break gives them a "fresh look" at it, and they're able to come up with answers that didn't occur to them before.

  • You may have one or more incorrect answers filled in. So try erasing or deleting one or more answers that you may be "less than sure" of, and take another look at the area with the answers you've just removed.

  • It's OK to "get help" in any way you like. Use the Check button to verify a particular letter, word, or even the entire board. Or, for more help, use the Reveal button to fill in a letter, word, or the entire puzzle. Using an Internet search or an online or paper dictionary is also OK. Whichever of these ways you choose, part of the educational benefits of crossword solving comes from completing each puzzle you do in any way that you can.

So good luck and have fun!

About Easy Crossword by Stan Newman

If you want a quick & free online crossword, you've come to the right place! Enjoy honing your skills with this free daily crossword edited by Stan Newman, America's foremost expert in fine-tuning crosswords, to give you the gentlest challenge to be found anywhere.

In fact, Stan's Crossword puzzles are widely acknowledged by crossword fans and experts nationwide as the country's easiest games for grownups.

Each of Stan's games has a quick-to-understand theme (with a title to give you a hint as to what the theme is), all-simple answers, all-easy clues, and hardly any trivia at all. That's what makes them great for beginners, adults to do together with younger people, or anyone looking for a quick and satisfying mental escape.

But don't take our word for it. Here's a quick way to prove it for yourself. And you don't even have to start filling in the answers! Check out today's Crossword by merely scrolling through the list of Across and Down clues.

You'll find many clues to which you'll know the answers right away!

Here are a few examples from actual games:

  • Tic-tac-__ (3 letters)

  • Home for honeybees (4 letters)

  • Perform a tune (4 letters)

  • Writing implements (4 letters)

Of course, the more answers you fill in, with all the hints to the answers going in the other direction, the easier the game becomes for you.

And, if you prefer working on paper rather than on a screen, you'll appreciate being able to select your choice of print formats: for right-handers or left-handers (all on one page) or with large print for the most effortless reading. Plus, with the Ink Saver option, you can control how dark you prefer the black squares.

There's a new game waiting for you every day of the year. So treat yourself to one or more of Stan's Crosswords right now. From the Daily Crossword to the Hard Crossword, you'll find a challenge to enjoy!